Classical Baby
Classical Baby from Rock Me Baby Records, introduces beautiful, soothing melodies to both parent and child, by some of the most important classical composers including Mozart, Bach, Beethoven, Debussy, Dvorak and Brahms.
As a classical trained singer from UCLA, the New England Conservatory of Music, and the San Francisco Symphony Chorus, Susie Tallman wanted to provide a CD of classical music for her audience of parents who are interested in exposing their children to a wide variety of music in order to calm & soothe their children as well as educate by exposing the parent & child to various languages (German, French, Italian, Latin, Czech, Dutch) and instrumentations (string quartet, piano, harp, choir, organ).
Finally, it is important for Rock Me Baby Records to provide music that is not simplified for children, but authentic and true. Having said that, we have taken liberties in adding English to songs or a simple melody where only instrumentation would have occurred, or arranged the piece for string quartet rather than a full orchestra, but all the time, thinking about our audience.
Thank you for listening and we hope you enjoy the music.

The Classical Baby Cover, with respect to 14.126.6, Thomas Sully (American, 1783-1872), Child Asleep (The Rosebud), 1841, Oil on canvas, 23 7/8 x 36 1/2 in. (60.6 x 92.7 cm): "The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Bequest of Francis T.S. Darley, 1914 (14.126.6) Photograph © 1996 The Metropolitan Museum of Art"

American mezzo-soprano Kathleen Clawson is consistently praised for the burnished, bronze beauty of her voice enhanced by an innate musicality and a persuasive, sensuous manner of communication. Kathleen was gracious enough to collaborate with Susie on Classical Baby singing several duets, solos and served as Susie's vocal coach preparing for the project.
(click here to see and print lyrics)
Brezairola Lullaby - Auvergne Lullaby
Jesu Joy Of Man’s Desiring - Johann Sebastian Bach
Brahms’ Lullaby - Johannes Brahms
The Swan - Camille Saint-Saëns
Hansel & Gretel - Engelbert Humperdinck
Largo From Symphony #9 - Antonin Dvorak
Ave Maria - J.S. Bach & Charles Gounod
Canon In D - Johann Pachelbel
Ombra Mai Fu-Xerxes - George Frederick Handel
Hymn To The Moon - Antonin Dvorak
Sleep On, Little One - Johannes Brahms
Now The Day Is Over - S. Baring-Gould & Sir J. Barnby
Evening Hymn - Felix Mendelssohn (from Elijah)
Claire De Lune - Claude Debussy
Ave Maria - Gerard Sars
Little Children - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Moonlight Sonata - Ludwig Van Beethoven
Mozart’s Lullaby - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart