Susie Tallman & Friends
Original Songs
Susie Tallman is known for her renditions of traditional songs but she and her friends also write original songs. Susie loves writing original material and has collaborated with several of her friends on songs that she hopes will find their way into the family musical repertoire. These songs can be found sprinkled amongst the traditional in most of her albums, but here they are all in one place. We hope you enjoy them!
1. Garden of Sounds (Let's All Sing!)
2. Pizza Pasta Opera (Let's All Sing!)
3. Gotta Give Love (Let's All Sing!)
4. Let's Go! (Let's Go, Travel, Camp & Car Songs)
5. Dino Dance (Animal Songs)
6. Me Gusta Tu Cara (Spanish Songs)
7. El Alfabeto (Spanish Songs)
8. Life Cycle (Let's All Sing!)
9. Four Jolly Pink Pigs (Animal Songs)
10. Canción de Color (Spanish Songs)
11. James the Dinosaur Story (Animal Songs)
12. The Two Turtles Story (Animal Songs)
13. Golden Wish (Who Stole the Moon)
14. Fox's Song (Who Stole the Moon)
15. Doce Meses (Spanish Songs)
16. Dias de la Semana (Spanish Songs)
17. Buenos Dias (Spanish Songs)
18. Hedgehog's Song (Who Stole the Moon)
19. Badger's Song (Who Stole the Moon)
20. Owl's Song (Who Stole the Moon)
21. Lullaby (Who Stole the Moon)
22. Willy the Wombat's Christmas (A Child's Christmas)
23. Ave Maria (Classical Baby)